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Mission Statement

Continue to offer high quality products, services and technologies designed to provide value, while serving society and protecting the environment. Continue to stay consistent with the integrity and values on which the Company was built.

Corporate Principles and Values

QUALITY – offer world class quality products, service and innovation that meets or exceeds customer’s expectations.

Quality is always the most important part of the process here at Zoeller®. Above all, quality is what has made us successful and continues to drive the decisions we make.

EMPLOYEES – make available an environment for employee growth, stability and opportunity.

Zoeller® cares about its employees. Employees and their families will always be an important part of Zoeller® success.

INTEGRITY – provide honesty and integrity in all of our actions.

The true measure of integrity is what you do when no one else is watching.

TEAMWORK – create an environment through teamwork that supports internal and external customers.

All employees are directly responsible for cooperating with all other company personnel and to assist them, to help them to succeed, as well as working to ensure the company’s success.

GROWTH – pursue reasonable, profitable sales growth.

Profitable growth provides security for our employees, their families, our customers and future generations.

RESPONSIBILITY – actively support worthy civic and charitable causes.

We have been blessed with much and we are called to actively support the community in which we live.